The way to Eliminate Shrub Roots

Subsequent to the removal of the aboveground portion of an unwanted shrub, a stump and roots remain. These may present problems as a tripping hazard, for their ability to re-sprout, as is true with many species, and for the caved-in or uneven ground that can result as large tree roots decompose. Mechanical removal of tree roots is most straightforward if the ground around the roots is either loose or moist and the tree is rather tiny. Where a tree’s root system is extensive or it’s a species that tends to re-sprout vigorously, chemical treatment is usually warranted.

Water the area around the tree roots thoroughly and intensely if the ground is not already moist. Roots are simpler to remove completely whenever the soil is moist and loose.

Pull up the roots of small shrubs from hand, if possible. If the tree is too large to pull hand but includes a stem diameter under 2-3 inches, then use a root port or similar tool, placing the “jaws” of the tool across the remaining tree stem and using the leverage offered by the instrument’s handle. If you removed a lot of this aboveground stem for you to hold onto or grasp with a tool, then digging may be the most feasible mechanical removal alternative. Use a digging fork or shovel to remove as much of their root system as possible.

Collect and destroy or dispose of as much of this tree’s root system as possible, as a few shrubs may re-establish from small root segments.

Brush a nonselective herbicide such as glyphosate onto the newly cut tree stump surface. Should you cut on the aboveground portion of the tree away earlier and new sprouts emerged, spray the leaf to the new sprouts completely, though not to the point of runoff, with a nonselective herbicide.

Monitor the area of tree root removal regularly for a few years and pull or dig up or cut off any sprouts as soon as they emerge.

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