The way to Boost Grass in Mostly Shade & Very Dry

Turf grass plays an important environmental function in the landscape. It combats the buildup of carbon dioxide, aids in the control of soil erosion and helps keep a balanced ecosystem. When shopping for grass seed for dry shady spots in your lawn, look for seed mixes which are rated to grow in dry, low-light places. Shade tolerant, warm season grasses which are hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 10 include zoysia and St. Augustinegrass.

Use a pruning saw to remove lower limbs and inside branches within the tree canopy that blocks light from reaching the ground under. Cut full branches flush with the trunk or a lateral branch. Make the cut at a 45 degree angle, just above the leaf node when removing arms.

Irrigate dry regions in the lawn once a month during the summer with a watering hose sprinkler until moisture has penetrated into the bottom at least 1 inch.

Pass an aerator above the moist lawn a few times and in different directions, annually. This eliminates small plugs of soil, leaving behind small holes in the ground which will enable nutrients and air to blend with the dirt.

Set the lawn mower deck to cut the grass at 3 inches tall and alternate instructions as you mow. Taller grass has more leaf area to capture sunlight and will offer a stronger root system.

Fertilize shady places with 1 pound of granular fertilizer per 1,000 square feet at the spring until leaves start to emerge. Multiply the width and length of the lawn to find the square footage of the area. Follow all labeling instructions on the fertilizer package.

Rake the lawn with a hand rake to loosen the soil. Spread an even layer of warm-season grass seed over the present lawn in late fall with a broadcast seed spreader.

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