How Much Does It Cost to Run a Portable Air Conditioner?

Portable air conditioners offer a different alternative to sophisticated HVAC Sacramento repair specialists systems and basic cooling enthusiasts. These self-contained, portable systems cater to spaces ranging in size from dens to garages, provided you get a nearby window by which to vent hot air. Like every electric cooling solution, however, the benefits provided by PACs come at a cost. The impact your PAC has on your power bill depends upon the size of the unit, your utility supplier’s rate and other factors.

Energy Estimates

Portable air conditioners range from compact, rolling poles into mini-fridge-size towers. Additionally they vary greatly in energy ratings, which can be measured in British thermal unit, the quantity of energy required to heat or cool 1 pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. This measurement translates to just how much heat your PAC can eliminate from the room each hour. Especially compact PACs trendy about 150 square feet and feature a BTU rating of about 7,500. Mid-range models trendy about 300 square feet and output 10,000 BTUs while the largest PACs cover about 500 square feet and run at 14,000 BTUs.

Converting Energy to Cents

Converting BTUs into kilowatt-hours, a dimension equivalent to one kilowatt of power consumption per hour, you’ll discover that a 7,500-BTU PAC consumes about 2.2 kWh, a 10,000-BTU unit 2.9 kWh, and a 14,000-BTU unit 4.1 kWh. As of 2014, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that one kilowatt-hour of energy use costs about 16.18 pennies in California, for instance. At this speed, running a small, medium or large PAC for eight hours a day would cost roughly $2.84, $3.75 or $5.31, respectively. For 30 days of use, these statistics come to $85.20, $112.50 and $159.30.

Considering the Variables

In addition to BTU ratings and hours of use, location plays a major role at PAC operating cost; for instance, the EIA estimates that power prices 21.75 cents per kWh at New York, 9.78 pennies in Tennessee and 12.74 pennies in the District of Columbia, using a nationwide average of 11.88 pennies. A longer hose triggers your PAC to utilize more energy, as it diverts hot air through the length of the hose. Similarly, MSN Real Estate estimates that a 10-year-old air conditioner is just about half as efficient as a recently purchased unit.

In Comparison

According to 2013 reports from the “Rapid City Journal,” running a mobile air conditioner uses as little as one-eighth of their power necessary to run a central air-conditioning unit, which roughly translates to one-eighth of the cost, as well. Unlike central cooling, which cools the entire home, PACs trendy just 1 room at one time. In 2013, Home Energy Pros — “Home Energy” magazine’s website — noted that PACs offer roughly half the cooling power of window air conditioners. Duke Energy estimates that ceiling fans consume about 23.4 kWh per month, placing them in an average operating cost of just $2.78 per month, according to EIA’s 2014 national averages. But ceiling fans just supply a cinch; they don’t actually cool air.