Flea & Tick Remover to get Yards

Over 2,000 different kinds of fleas exist on earth and near as numerous species of ticks, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension Service. Although not all them will show up in your lawn, any infestation may become a nightmare when left unchecked. Certain chemical commands for lawns keeps flea and tick populations down, allowing you and your pets to go on with life as usual.


Pyrethrins and pyrethroids are the most common chemicals present in flea and tick remover products for lawns. These two chemical classes kill adult fleas from the environment. Some products contain another chemical called pyriproxyfen. Known as an insect growth regulator, pyriproxyfen halts the maturation of flea and tick eggs, pupa and larva. Some products also contain another insect growth regulator known as methoprene, but this is less desirable in lawn control products since it breaks down rapidly in sunlight, as mentioned by the Oklahoma State University Extension Service. For your best results, pick a product which has pyrethrins or pyrethroids in addition to pyriproxyfen.


Outdoor flea and tick remover ought to be implemented just to the problem areas of the lawn, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension Service. Problem areas are generally shaded and moist — fleas thrive in this type of environment. Problem areas for ticks incorporate any area with high grass, trees or other shrubbery. To avoid wasting costly chemicals and reducing the efficacy of your lawn treatment, treat those shaded and moist areas where animals frequent, and treat just during dry seasons, as moist yards with ample rainfall are enough to eliminate many larval and adult flea and tick populations.


For flea and tick control to be 100 percent effective, you have to deal with any pets in your care, in addition to your house. Discourage flea and tick habitation by maintaining a brief yard and removing weeds immediately. Keep shrubs and trees in great health and prune regularly. Wildlife and stray animals may also carry fleas and ticks on the premises, therefore discourage them from using your yard as the local hangout spot by removing any appealing features such as loose garbage and comfortable nesting spots.


Shop all flea and tick yard removal products away from children and pets. Even though the chemicals have a wide margin of safety, they are still poisons. Wear proper attire when applying the chemicals to your lawn. Safety gloves and goggles are encouraged. Wash your clothes immediately after handling flea and tick poisons. If your pets demonstrate signs of toxicity following putting in regions treated for fleas and ticks –including ataxia, vomiting, lethargy and excessive drooling — seek emergency veterinary medical treatment immediately, as they are having a lethal reaction to the chemicals.

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