How to take care of a Sundaville Pink

Sundaville Pink (Mandevilla “Sunmandecripi”) stands out among other mandevilla hybrids using the glowing, hot pink colour of its flowers. It performs best within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, where it will bloom from summer into autumn if grown in full sun with acidic soil. Sundaville Pink requires reasonable maintenance year-round, but its brilliant color and vigorous, vining growth habit make it well worth the attempt.

Seasonal Watering and Feeding

The right soil moisture balance is vital to Sundaville Pink mandevilla. It affects every part of its health, from nutrient uptake to disease prevention. Water only when the soil has dried out on the surface. Water until the soil is saturated in the top 1 to 2 inches. Decrease the quantity of water in sunlight, watering just sufficient to keep the plant from wilting. Just like most mandevilla hybrids, Sundaville Pink is a moderate feeder and requires weekly fertilizer during the summer. Dissolve 1/2 tsp of 15-15-15 fertilizer in 1 gallon of water and replace a single gallon every single week with the option. Don’t fertilize the plant in autumn and winter.

Pruning and Dressing

Sundaville Pink mandevilla includes a naturally compact growth habit with dense leaf cover, so that it seldom requires pruning to restrict its size. An older plant may require a little extra attention and dressing to improve and revitalize its overall look. Prune an overgrown or lean plant back by one-half in late winter to encourage newer, healthier growth. Snip off any errant stems through the summer to make a tidier look. To prevent the spread of disease, wipe your pruning shear blades with rubbing alcohol or full-strength family detergents, then rinse and dry them before use.

Repotting Tips

Due to its vigorous development, potted Sundaville Pink mandevilla can easily exhaust its soil and takes repotting every year or two. Repot in early spring immediately after heavy duty. Move the plant into a clay pot full of fresh, moderately acidic potting soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.0, and be sure that the pot has a minumum of one drainage hole in the base. Sundaville Pink mandevilla will grow on a trellis or in a hanging pot, so choose wisely. Return the plant into its previous location after repotting and resume its usual feeding and watering schedule straight away.

Pests and Disease

Despite great care, Sundaville Pink mandevilla can develop infestations of aphids, mealybugs and spider mites. The infestations are rarely serious if caught early, although they can cause minor cosmetic damage. Prune off any badly affected branches using freshly sanitized pruning shears. Treat infestations with an insecticidal soap solution. Dissolve 2 to 4 tbsp of insecticidal soap in 1 quart of water and put it in a garden sprayer. Spray the solution liberally on the tops and bottoms of the leaves every five days until the insects are under control. Three to four hours following each treatment, rinse the leaves off with water in the hose to reduce the odds of injury. Wear long sleeves, long pants and gloves when using garden chemicals. Sundaville Pink has several disease problems provided that you don’t enable the soil around the roots to remain waterlogged.

Winter Care

Apart from reducing withholding and water fertilizer, Sundaville Pink mandevilla demands minimal hands-on care in winter. Since it’s sensitive to cold, it may need extra coddling during frosty weather. A mandevilla may grow in USDA zone 8, but it requires cap when frost is expected to reduce stem and foliage damage. Cover the plant using a lightweight, breathable cloth if frost is in the forecast and keep the surrounding soil moist. Remove the cover the next morning once temperatures rise. Go a potted Sundaville Pink mandevilla inside or below a sheltered, south-facing covered area until all danger of frost has passed.

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