How to Care for Your Dying Bamboo Plant

Bamboos, though often referred to as trees, are really grasses, but it does not mean that you should treat them as one over another. Some people make the mistake of caring for bamboo as trees, and others tend to them as grass, but it is ideal to take care of them as equally. If your bamboo seems to be dying, then take a look at the care you are providing to see if you are missing a vital step.

Press the soil at the base of the bamboo with your hands to see if it is moist. The dirt should be moist to the touch, but never pool with water when you press it with your own hand. If you dig down, the soil needs to be moist down to 6 to 8 inches. Like any other plant, bamboo may perish from the over-watering and under-watering.

Trim out a few of the stalks to allow air to the bamboo. The plants have a tendency to grow thick, and not unlike trees, it is best for there to be some space in between so air and sunlight may reach all the leaves and shoots. Cut selected shoots down to the bottom with a small handsaw.

Check the main system of bigger indoor potted bamboos. From time to time, the roots may get tangled, which may lead to growth issues. When the roots are tied, replant in a larger pot.

Employ a nitrogen-rich fertilizer in the early spring to supply nutrients during the growing season. Because it is a grass, employing an organic fertilizer made for grasses works best. Make a second fluid application in late spring to continue the rest of the year.

Eliminate dying stalks so the others do not have to fight for energy that is being provided to your sick sections.

Hose down the bamboo to remove bamboo mites. The mites are much like spider mites and cause the leaves to turn yellow. Spray with a miticide to kill the mites. You might have to spray several times to get rid of the mites entirely.

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